Personal website of

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Falko Dressler

Research Projects

Current Projects

Previous Projects

  • LINCNET - LiFi-enabled 5G for INdustrial and MediCal NETworks
    integrating LiFi and 5G-based industrial and medical networks

    Funding: BMWK
    Project time: 01/2022-12/2024
  • RACCOON - Robust And seCure post quantum COmmunication fOr critical iNfrastructure
    satellite-based exchange of crypto material for critical infrastructure

    Funding: DLR
    Project time: 10/2022-09/2024
  • DDC - Distributed Dynamic Continuum
    optimizing the user to edge to cloud continuum

    Funding: VMware, USA
    Project time: 06/2021-05/2024
  • SPP 1914 Cyber-Physical Networking
    NICCI^2 - Network-Informed Control – Control-Informed network: towards multi techNology dynamICally ChangIng networks
    networked control systems as a fundamental basis for cyber physical networks

    Funding: DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)
    Project time: 01/2020-12/2023
  • Car2DC - Hierarchical Vehicular Cloud Computing
    connecting clusters of cars to backend data centers

    Funding: Toyota InfoTechnology Center, USA
    Project time: 04/2017-03/2023
  • V-Edge - Virtual Edge Computing
    MEC using virtual edge servers composed of, e.g., clusters of cars

    Funding: DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)
    Project time: 08/2020-12/2022
  • PANDA - Precise Attack Detection for Network Domains by Application Classification
    next generation high speed monitoring concepts for large administrative domains with VLAN and VM support

    Funding: DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)
    Project time: 12/2019-12/2022
  • OTB-5G+ - Open Testbed Berlin - 5G and Beyond
    experimental validation of 5G wireless communication technologies and development of a testbed for new transmission concepts

    Funding: BMBF
    Project time: 09/2019-12/2022
  • MAMOKO - Macroscopic Molecular Communication
    molecular communication principles for industrial applications

    Funding: BMBF
    Project time: 11/2018-10/2022
  • Hy-Nets4all - Simulation Platform for Optimized Electric Driving
    holistic development and validation platform for optimizing electric driving in urban environments

    Funding: EU/EFRE.NRW
    Project time: 08/2019-07/2022
  • UniLocP - Unified Localization Platform
    development of a unified architecture to provide location information to apps in indoor scenarios

    Funding: BMWi/ZIM
    Project time: 07/2020-06/2022
  • V-VLC - Visible Light based Vehicular Communication
    comprehensive research on the utilization of visible light for communication between vehicles (V2V) and with infrastructure (V2I)

    Funding: funded in part by E-Lab (HELLA Group)
    Project time: 12/2016-02/2022
  • VisIoN - Visible light based Interoperability and Networking
    research on Li-Fi (Light Fidelity), which is a Visible Light Communication (VLC) system running wireless communications that uses LEDs for data transmission

    Funding: EU H2020 MSCA-ITN
    Project time: 09/2017-09/2021
  • VCE VCE - Virtual Cycling Environment
    characterizing and modeling cyclists behavior for developing next generation safety assistance systems

    Funding: internal CCS project
    Project time: 10/2018-07/2021
  • EWI EWI - Energy efficient WLAN for IoT
    low power and low delay WLAN using wake-up receivers

    Funding: BMBF
    Project time: 11/2018-05/2021
  • Safety4Bikes - Safety assistance system for cycling kids
    development of assistance system functionalities to improve the safety of kids on bicycles using behavior prediction and wireless communication technologies

    Funding: BMBF
    Project time: 01/2017-06/2020
  • SPEAR - Smart Prognosis of Energy with Allocation of Resources
    development of a flexible optimization platform for improving a broad range of industrial production processes regarding energy related aspects

    Funding: BMBF (ITEA3)
    Project time: 09/2017-08/2020
  • APPSTACLE - open standard APplication Platform for carS and TrAnsportation vehiCLEs
    open and secure cloud platform that interconnects a wide range of vehicles to the cloud via open in-car and Internet connection and is supported by an integrated open source software development ecosystem

    Funding: BMBF (ITEA3)
    Project time: 01/2017-12/2019
  • BATS DFG FOR 1508 BATS - Dynamically Adaptable Positioning of Bats Using Embedded Communicating Sensor Systems
    TP4: E2SO - Energy Efficient Management and Self-organized Operation in Sensor Networks
    tracking of bats in their natural environment using sensor networking technology; key focus is on energy efficient communication of extremely lightweight sensor nodes

    Funding: DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)
    Project time: 12/2012-12/2015 and 01/2016-11/2019
  • Wireless Tractors
    modeling crop fields in an agricultural context for vehicular network simulation

    Funding: CLAAS E-Systems GmbH
    Project time: 07/2019-09/2019
  • Offloading Strategies for Energy Efficient Smartphone
    energy measurement and estimations for off-loading of computationally expensive tasks from mobile systems into the cloud

    Funding: VIED (Vietnam International Education Development)
    Project time: 03/2015-02/2019
  • Hy-Nets - Efficient Hybrid Propulsion using Vehicular Networks
    holistic investigation of hybrid propulsion in large scale cities for optimizing emissions and travel times using vehicular networking

    Funding: EU/EFRE.NRW
    Project time: 04/2016-01/2019
  • RESIBES - Disaster-resilience by helper networks for emergency response
    mobile ad hoc networking for supporting the efficient coordination of human and material resource for first responders

    Funding: BMBF
    Project time: 02/2016-04/2019
  • CarParkComm
    exploring communication limits in a multi-store car park solution through a signal propagation focused measurement study

    Funding: Lödige Systems GmbH
    Project time: 01/2018-12/2018
  • AgriculturalV2V
    cooperative driving for agricultural vehicles through wireless communication

    Funding: Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation (AEF)
    Project time: 01/2018-05/2018
  • Heterogeneous Vehicular Networking
    research how to unify, and make efficient use of, short range wireless radio communication and cellular communication for vehicular networking

    Funding: collaboration with University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
    Project time: 06/2012-12/2017
  • LTE 4 V2X
    V2X Standardization for 4G Networks and its Application in Industry Automations

    Funding: Siemens AG, Germany
    Project time: 07/2017 - 09/2017
  • WiME - Wireless Measurement and Experimentation
    SDR-based wireless measurement and experimentation framework for wireless networks including IEEE 802.11[a/g/p] and IEEE 802.15.4

    Funding: internal CCS project
    Project time: 10/2011-03/2017
  • C3 - Cloud Connected Cars
    using cars to establish decentralized connected information clouds based on heterogeneous vehicular networks

    Funding: DENSO AUTOMOTIVE Deutschland GmbH
    Project time: 04/2016-03/2017
  • Car4ICT - Cars enable future information and communication technologies
    research investigating vehicles as a main ICT resource

    Funding: Toyota InfoTechnology Center, Japan and USA
    Project time: 04/2014-03/2017
  • Performance Limits of IEEE 802.11p in Highly Dynamic Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
    PHY receive algorithms for IEEE 801.11p

    Funding: DAAD
    Project time: 09/2015-03/2016
  • Next Generation Real-Time Ethernet Networks for Industrial Applications
    future reliable industrial networks based on the next generation of Ethernet, results from the IEEE 802.1 Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) and Interworking (IWK) working groups

    Funding: SIEMENS AG
    Project time: 09/2014-08/2015
  • Smart Communications for Intelligent Transportation Systems
    smart communication primitives for ITS; channel modeling and protocol design for multi-service applications

    Funding: BIT PhD School
    Project time: 04/2012-03/2015
  • Cooperative Inter-Vehicle Communication
    cooperative communication primitives for ITS; protocol design for vehicle safety applications

    Funding: Endeavour Research Fellowship, Australia
    Project time: 05/2014-10/2014
  • EN-ACT - ENergy-Aware CompuTing
    energy measurement and estimations for off-loading of computationally expensive tasks from mobile systems into the cloud

    Funding: EU/INTERREG
    Project time: 09/2012-06/2014
  • ML-IVC - Multi-Layer Inter-Vehicle Communication
    adaptive and self-organizing inter-vehicle communication based on short range radio broadcast; protocol design, simulation techniques, and experimental field tests

    Funding: internal CCS project
    Project time: 09/2011-03/2014
  • MultiPAN MultiPAN - Cooperative Access in Overlapping Wireless Networks
    cooperation and adaptive management of overlapping wireless networks, methods for interferer detection and adaptive reconfiguration

    Funding: Malaysian Government
    Project time: 10/2008-12/2013
  • ALF ALF - Autonomous Localization Framework
    Framework for establishing a local positioning system without any prior knowledge and without any need of a human operator or a central entity

    Funding: Internal project, supported by Embedded Systems Initiative (ESI)
    Project time: 06/2008-12/2013
  • Padiofire Padiofire - Parallelized Application Detection in Overlay Networks for Firewalls
    monitoring, analysis, and firewalling Web 2.0 overlay network protocols; the key objective is to go beyond application layer firewalls to identify overlay services as used in the Web 2.0 context

    Funding: BMBF (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung)
    Project time: 07/2011-06/2013
  • monkit 2 - Distributed Monitoring and Attack Detection in 10 GBit/s Networks
    adaptive network monitoring in high-speed networks, coordination between monitoring probes and detection processes, event correlation for automated response

    Funding: BSI (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik)
    Project time: 12/2011-12/2012
  • RDSP RDSP - Resource constrained Distributed Stream Processing
    investigation of an integrated approach for supporting in-network sensor data processing in highly dynamic and heterogeneous sensor networks

    Funding: preparational project for a DFG research group
    Project time: 01/2008-06/2012
  • IDR-VCP Support for inter-domain routing and data replication in virtual coordinate based networks
    The collaborative study aims to provide novel insights into the applicability of virtual coordinate based network protocols in the case of mobile multi-domain environments

    Funding: BaCaTec, collaboration with UCLA
    Project time: 01/2010-12/2011
  • DSMS Study DSMS Study - Study on Real-time Stream Processing Engines
    concept study on the applicability of data stream management systems (DSMS) on real-time tracking in an airport scenario

    Funding: Siemens AG
    Project time: 07/2011-09/2011
  • HISTORY HISTORY - High Speed Network Monitoring and Analysis
    High-speed network monitoring based on netflow accounting and packet sampling including applications such as accounting, intrusion detection, and traceback

    Funding: collaboration with TU Munich; supported by EU (European Commision), BMBF, DFG travel grants, Audi AG, BSI
    Project time: 09/2003-04/2011
  • ZigBee Security and Quality of Service and Aspects in ZigBee-based Wireless Communication
    performance and security analysis of IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee based wireless networks

    Funding: Siemens AG A&D, DAAD STIBET
    Project time: 07/2006-09/2010
  • monk-it - Efficient Distributed Monitoring, Attack Detection, and Event Correlation
    adaptive network monitoring in high-speed networks, coordination between monitoring probes and detection processes, event correlation for automated response

    Funding: BSI (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik)
    Project time: 01/2007-09/2010
    Information Dissemination with SSU and RSU Support for improved Tracc Performance and Safety in Urban Scenarios

    Funding: collaboration with Carnegie Mellon University
    Project time: 01/2010-06/2010
  • p2p4wsn Peer-to-Peer Techniques for Sensor Networks
    efficient data management in mobile sensor networks using peer-to-peer technologies

    Funding: DAAD
    Project time: 04/2006-12/2009
  • Veins Veins - Vehicles in Network Simulation
    Bidirectionally coupled discrete event based network simulation and road traffic microsimulation for analysis of inter-vehicular communication (IVC) protocols in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs)

    Funding: internal project; supported by BMBF project CoCar
    Project time: 06/2007-12/2009
  • BioNeting BioNeting - Bio-inspired Networking
    Adaptation of processes known from molecular and cell biology for research in communication networks

    Funding: internal project; supported by DAAD
    Project time: 05/2004-12/2008
  • ROSES ROSES - Robot Assisted Sensor Networks
    Sensor assisted navigation and localization; energy efficient operation and communication; multi-hop communication in heterogeneous mobile networks

    Funding: internal project; supported by two DAAD grants, DFG travel grants, Siemens AG A&D, and Audi AG
    Project time: 10/2004-12/2008
  • Secure SOTIS Secure SOTIS - Study on Security Concepts for Car-2-Car Applications
    development of a security concept for car-2-car applications focusing on SOTIS (self-organizing traffic information system)

    Funding: Audi AG
    Project time: 07/2006-01/2007
  • Self-Organization of SN-MRS Systems Self-Organization of SN-MRS Systems
    bio-inspired task allocation for SN-MRS with particular attention to scalability, real-time constraints, reliability, and task-aware network self-organisation

    Funding: DAAD
    Project time: 11/2005-04/2006
  • Diadem Firewall Diadem Firewall
    High-Speed Firewalling and Intrusion Detection

    Funding: EU (European Commission)
    Project time: 01/2004-12/2006
  • 3GET 3GET - 3G Evolving Technologies
    Charging and Accounting in 3G Networks

    Funding: BMBF
    Project time: 10/2003-12/2005
  • Multimedia Conferencing Multimedia Conferencing
    IP Telephony and Multimedia Conferencing

    Funding: internal project
    Project time: 10/2003-12/2004
  • MQM MQM - Multicast Quality Monitor
    Framework for reliability and quality of service measurements in IP multicast networks; Prediction of the expected service quality of forthcoming multicast services

    Funding: internal project
    Project time: 01/2000-12/2003
  • VoIP@WiN VoIP@WiN - Voice over IP in the German research network
    Test and deployment of voice over IP applications and quality of service demands in the German research network. A working group consisting of various universities, research instituts, and leading manufacturers was initiated in order to create a wide-spread test lab.

    Funding: internal project
    Project time: 01/2000-12/2003
  • e2eQoS End-to-End Quality of Service Analysis
    Analysis of quality of service related questions on an end-to-end basis

    Funding: internal project
    Project time: 06/1995-12/2003
  • IKON IKON - Informatik Kolloquium Online
    Exchange of presentations and talks about specific problems in computer science between the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and the Technical University Munich using ATM based video transmissions

    Funding: BHN project
    Project time: 08/1998-12/2001
  • TKBRZL TKBRZL - Telekonferenz der Bayerischen Rechenzentrumsleiter
    Video conference between the directors of the computing centers in Bavaria using IP multicast applications

    Fundinf: DFN/BMBF project
    Project time: 08/1998-12/2001
  • Uni-TV Uni-TV
    Research project on how to record, transmit and publish lectures in studio quality over long distances

    Funding: DFN/BMBF project
    Project time: 08/1998-12/2000
  • GTB Sued GTB - Gigabit TestBed Sued
    Establishing, testing, and managing an ATM based high speed network [3 x 2.5Gbit/s] between Erlangen, Munich, and Berlin

    Funding: DFN/BMBF project
    Project time: 08/1998-12/2000
  • Moni-Box Moni-Box
    Logging and analyzing data in typical types of communication networks
    The monitored data can be used for statistical reasons as well as for detecting hacking attacks and intrusions. A special branch was developed for ATM based networks.

    Funding: internal project
    Project time: 05/1996-12/1998
  • BSD OS Development
    Bugfixing and developing 4.3BSD and 4.4BSD based systems (spezialized in FreeBSD)

    Funding: internal project
    Project time: 1992-1998
  • X.25 X.25
    Implementation of a SNARE (SubNetwork Address Resolution Entity) for X.25 Networks; Implementation of delay measurement tools for X.25 networks

    Funding: internal project
    Project time: 1991-1994
Last modified: 2024-12-30