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Please refer to our exam information page for information, schedules, and individual appointments.
Current Courses
[TUB] Winter 2024/2025
- Rechnernetze und verteilte Systeme [RN] (#40672, Bachelor, VL+PR)
- Kommunikationsnetze [KN] (#40061, Bachelor, VL+SE)
- History of Computer Systems [HOC] (#41039, Bachelor, SE)
- Programmierpraktikum Kommunikationstechnologien [ProgPra] (#40148, Bachelor, PR)
- Seminar Selected Areas of Telecommunication Networks [MS] (#41015, Master, SE)
- Projekt Angewandte Netzwerktechnologien [PJ] (#40652, Bachelor, PJ)
- Project Advanced Network Technologies [PJ] (#40644, Master, PJ)
- Research Project Advanced Network Technologies [PJ] (#40795, Master, PJ)
[TUB] Summer 2024
- Programmierpraktikum Kommunikationstechnologien [ProgPra] (#40148, Bachelor, PR)
- Vehicular Networking and Cooperative Driving [C2X] (#40600, Master, VL+PR)
- Wireless Networking Technologies [WNT] (#40275, Master, VL+PR)
- Molecular Communications and Nanonetworks [MolCom] (#41045, Master, VL+PR)
- Seminar Selected Areas of Telecommunication Networks [MS] (#41015, Master, SE)
- Projekt Angewandte Netzwerktechnologien [PJ] (#40652, Bachelor, PR)
- Project Advanced Network Technologies [PJ] (#40644, Master, PR)
- Research Project Advanced Network Technologies [PJ] (#40795, Master, PR)
Previous Courses
[TUB] Winter 2023/2024
- Rechnernetze und verteilte Systeme [RN] (#40672, Bachelor, VL+PR)
- Kommunikationsnetze [KN] (#40061, Bachelor, VL+SE)
- Kommunikationsnetze mit Praktikum [KN] (#40114, Bachelor, VL+PR+SE)
- Rechnernetze - Ergänzung [KN] (#40058, Bachelor, VL+PR+SE)
- History of Computer Systems [HOC] (#41039, Bachelor, SE)
- Programmierpraktikum Kommunikationstechnologien [ProgPra] (#40148, Bachelor, PR)
- Networked Embedded Systems [NES] (#40304, Master, VL+PR)
- Seminar Selected Areas of Telecommunication Networks [MS] (#41015, Master, SE)
- Projekt Angewandte Netzwerktechnologien [PJ] (#40652, Bachelor, PJ)
- Project Advanced Network Technologies [PJ] (#40644, Master, PJ)
- Research Project Advanced Network Technologies [PJ] (#40795, Master, PJ)
[TUB] Summer 2023
- Programmierpraktikum Kommunikationstechnologien [ProgPra] (#40148, Bachelor, PR)
- Vehicular Networking and Cooperative Driving [C2X] (#40600, Master, VL+PR)
- Wireless Networking Technologies [WNT] (#40275, Master, VL+PR)
- Molecular Communications and Nanonetworks [MolCom] (#41045, Master, VL+PR)
- Seminar Selected Areas of Telecommunication Networks [MS] (#41015, Master, SE)
- Projekt Angewandte Netzwerktechnologien [PJ] (#40652, Bachelor, PR)
- Project Advanced Network Technologies [PJ] (#40644, Master, PR)
- Research Project Advanced Network Technologies [PJ] (#40795, Master, PR)
Older courses (archive)
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