Literature Database Entry


Michael Walsh, "An Anti-Windup Approach to Reliable Communication and Resource Management in Wireless Sensor Networks," PhD Thesis, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, University of Limerick, August 2009. (Advisor: Martin J. Hayes; Referee: Falko Dressler)


The provision of reliable communication in resource constrained Wireless Sensor Networks is a challenging problem. In this thesis, the inherent tradeoffs and compromises that arise in this problem space are addressed using Anti-Windup (AW) techniques and validated using a benchmark IEEE 802.15.4 WSN. A layered approach is adopted where the goal is to exploit fully the hardware and software capabilities of the employed technology, so as to improve the overall service to the user. The joint problem of guaranteeing floor levels on Quality of Service (QoS) while simultaneously minimising power consumption is addressed in a system theoretic context through a novel extension of recent results from the AW literature. By limiting how often data is transmitted in the network or decreasing the transmit power for each node accordingly, quantifiable improvements can be demonstrated in terms of reduced overall outage probability and power consumption. Nonlinear, naturally occurring, hardware and communication constraints are explicitly considered in the design methodology. It is highlighted, using empirical evidence, how AW can limit performance degradation in the face of these potentially destabilising non-linearities, while providing for specified levels of energy efficiency and QoS. In this regard a robust multivariate throughput control method is proposed employing a combination of H1 Loop-Shaping and Weston-Postlethwaite L2 convex optimisation AW techniques. The resultant hybrid solution is shown to exhibit improved command tracking and disturbance rejection and can compensate for the unavoidable presence of data-rate limitations in the system. A distributed robust power control technique is also presented that employs AW techniques in a closed loop structure to address transceiver output power hardware saturation and quantisation constraints. Quantitative Feedback Theory is employed in the linear stage of the design process that demonstrates how prespecified levels of robust performance and stability can be guaranteed in a WSN setting. Finally new power controller handoff strategies are proposed for WSNs, illustrating the capacity that exists for advanced control to deliver improved network coverage area and QoS in an energy efficient manner. An extensive benchmark comparative study is undertaken highlighting the effectiveness of the methodologies presented when compared with existing paradigms.

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Michael Walsh

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    author = {Walsh, Michael},
    title = {{An Anti-Windup Approach to Reliable Communication and Resource Management in Wireless Sensor Networks}},
    advisor = {Hayes, Martin J.},
    institution = {Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering},
    month = {8},
    referee = {Dressler, Falko},
    school = {University of Limerick},
    type = {PhD Thesis},
    year = {2009},

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