Literature Database Entry


Julian Timpner, "On Vehicular Networking for Advanced Parking Management Systems," PhD Thesis, Institute of Operating Systems and Computer Networks, Technical University of Braunschweig, June 2016. (Advisor: Lars Wolf; Referee: Falko Dressler)


As cities are suffering under the increasing weight of road traffic, the efficient use of the available infrastructure becomes vital in their struggle to remain livable and sustainable. With the ever higher number of vehicles on the streets, urban space becomes a valuable resource, and finding parking increasingly difficult. The emerging trend of Inter-Vehicle Communication (IVC), however, has the potential to realize novel traffic management and safety functions. In this thesis, IVC is applied to develop networked parking management systems. These aim to provide relief on the strained road infrastructure by utilizing available resources, such as parking spaces or even charging stations for e-mobility, as efficiently as possible. To cover the wide spectrum of possible use cases and applications, two classes of networked parking management are examined. Centralized systems, such as commercial parking lots and OEM mobile online services, rely on a backend to aggregate parking information or to manage parking resources. Based on the foundation of the EU FP7 project V-Charge, this thesis outlines how drivers can securely register with different aftermarket backend services and deploy the required cryptographic keys for Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communication to their vehicles. As an example application that makes use of V-Charge’s automated valet parking capabilities, a strategy to optimize the parking density is presented. Insights to using IVC to collect large-scale Floating Car Data across OEMs and thus achieving substantially higher service quality are discussed as well. Decentralized systems employ Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication for a peer-to-peer exchange of parking information. Thus, they do not rely on any central authority or infrastructure installations. At the same time, this makes them more challenging from a networking point of view. In this thesis, the feasibility and performance of a reactive geocast-based communication model is discussed. As no trusted third party exists, however, trust in the validity of exchanged information becomes an issue. An approach to overcome the lack of trust by dynamically forming trusted groups of vehicles to exchange parking information is presented. Extending the distributed resource management from parking to charging of Electric Vehicles (EVs), an incentive-based mechanism to make charging stations available to the next EV as soon as possible and thus increase the efficiency of e-mobility is presented and evaluated.

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Julian Timpner

BibTeX reference

    author = {Timpner, Julian},
    title = {{On Vehicular Networking for Advanced Parking Management Systems}},
    advisor = {Wolf, Lars},
    institution = {Institute of Operating Systems and Computer Networks},
    location = {Braunschweig, Germany},
    month = {6},
    referee = {Dressler, Falko},
    school = {Technical University of Braunschweig},
    type = {PhD Thesis},
    year = {2016},

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