Literature Database Entry


Youming Tao, Shuzhen Chen, Feng Li, Dongxiao Yu, Jiguo Yu and Hao Sheng, "A Distributed Privacy-Preserving Learning Dynamics in General Social Networks," IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol. 35 (9), pp. 9547–9561, September 2023.


In this article, we study a distributed privacy-preserving learning problem in social networks with general topology. The agents can communicate with each other over the network, which may result in privacy disclosure, since the trustworthiness of the agents cannot be guaranteed. Given a set of options which yield unknown stochastic rewards, each agent is required to learn the best one, aiming at maximizing the resulting expected average cumulative reward. To serve the above goal, we propose a four-staged distributed algorithm which efficiently exploits the collaboration among the agents while preserving the local privacy for each of them. In particular, our algorithm proceeds iteratively, and in every round, each agent i) randomly perturbs its adoption for the privacy-preserving purpose, ii) disseminates the perturbed adoption over the social network in a nearly uniform manner through random walking, iii) selects an option by referring to the perturbed suggestions received from its peers, and iv) decides whether or not to adopt the selected option as preference according to its latest reward feedback. Through solid theoretical analysis, we quantify the trade-off among the number of agents (or communication overhead), privacy preserving and learning utility. We also perform extensive simulations to verify the efficacy of our proposed social learning algorithm.

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Youming Tao
Shuzhen Chen
Feng Li
Dongxiao Yu
Jiguo Yu
Hao Sheng

BibTeX reference

    author = {Tao, Youming and Chen, Shuzhen and Li, Feng and Yu, Dongxiao and Yu, Jiguo and Sheng, Hao},
    doi = {10.1109/tkde.2023.3241442},
    title = {{A Distributed Privacy-Preserving Learning Dynamics in General Social Networks}},
    pages = {9547--9561},
    journal = {IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering},
    issn = {1041-4347},
    publisher = {IEEE},
    month = {9},
    number = {9},
    volume = {35},
    year = {2023},

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