Literature Database Entry


Ali Nouruzi, Atefeh Rezaei, Ata Khalili, Nader Mokari, Mohammad Reza Javan, Eduard A. Jorswieck and Halim Yanikomeroglu, "Smart Resource Allocation Model via Artificial Intelligence in Software Defined 6G Networks," Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2023), Rome, Italy, May 2023.


In this paper, we design a new flexible smart software-defined radio access network (Soft-RAN) architecture with traffic awareness for sixth generation (6G) wireless networks. In particular, we consider a hierarchical resource allocation model for the proposed smart soft-RAN model where the software-defined network (SDN) controller is the first and foremost layer of the framework. This unit dynamically monitors the network to select a network operation type on the basis of distributed or centralized resource allocation procedures to intelligently perform decision-making. In this paper, our aim is to make the network more scalable and more flexible in terms of conflicting performance indicators such as achievable data rate, overhead, and complexity indicators. To this end, we introduce a new metric, i.e, throughput-overhead-complexity (TOC), for the proposed machine learning-based algorithm, which supports a trade-off between these performance indicators. In particular, the decision making based on TOC is solved via deep reinforcement learning (DRL) which determines an appropriate resource allocation policy. Furthermore, for the selected algorithm, we employ the soft actor-critic (SAC) method which is more accurate, scalable, and robust than other learning methods. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed smart network achieves better performance in terms of TOC compared to fixed centralized or distributed resource management schemes that lack dynamism. Moreover, our proposed algorithm outperforms conventional learning methods employed in recent state-of-the-art network designs.

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Ali Nouruzi
Atefeh Rezaei
Ata Khalili
Nader Mokari
Mohammad Reza Javan
Eduard A. Jorswieck
Halim Yanikomeroglu

BibTeX reference

    author = {Nouruzi, Ali and Rezaei, Atefeh and Khalili, Ata and Mokari, Nader and Javan, Mohammad Reza and Jorswieck, Eduard A. and Yanikomeroglu, Halim},
    doi = {10.1109/icc45041.2023.10279230},
    title = {{Smart Resource Allocation Model via Artificial Intelligence in Software Defined 6G Networks}},
    publisher = {IEEE},
    issn = {1938-1883},
    isbn = {978-1-5386-7463-5},
    address = {Rome, Italy},
    booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2023)},
    month = {5},
    year = {2023},

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