Literature Database Entry


Sudip Misra, Saswati Pal, Nidhi Pathak, Pallav K. Deb, Anandarup Mukherjee and Arijit Roy, "i-AVR: IoT-Based Ambulatory Vitals Monitoring and Recommender System," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 10 (12), pp. 10318–10325, June 2023.


In this article, we propose and implement i-AVR, an Internet of Things (IoT)-based critical-aware system for point-of-care recommendation during ambulatory in-transits. The delay due to ambulances stuck in traffic congestion, disruptive roadways, and far-away hospitals restrain the smooth ambulance services. Therefore, in order to assist the time-critical scenario of a hospital-bound patient, we consider a guidance system to address the necessity. Moreover, these patients require continuous vitals monitoring, which may vary with the progress of time, to reduce the response time upon reaching the destination. The implemented i-AVR comprises two units: 1) a portable healthcare unit and 2) an android navigation unit. The healthcare unit aims to compute the criticality index of the en-route patient and recommend the nearest healthcare center while the navigation unit recommends the convenient route in case of any anomaly in vitals. We show the effectiveness of i-AVR regarding network performance while highlighting the response time of the system. We observe the system response time for computation in orders of seconds and interunit communication in milliseconds. Eventually, this analysis indicates the effectiveness of i-AVR in providing quick decisions during the time-critical situations. Our implementation provides essential intervention toward IoT-based healthcare technologies.

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Sudip Misra
Saswati Pal
Nidhi Pathak
Pallav K. Deb
Anandarup Mukherjee
Arijit Roy

BibTeX reference

    author = {Misra, Sudip and Pal, Saswati and Pathak, Nidhi and Deb, Pallav K. and Mukherjee, Anandarup and Roy, Arijit},
    doi = {10.1109/jiot.2023.3238116},
    title = {{i-AVR: IoT-Based Ambulatory Vitals Monitoring and Recommender System}},
    pages = {10318--10325},
    journal = {IEEE Internet of Things Journal},
    issn = {2327-4662},
    publisher = {IEEE},
    month = {6},
    number = {12},
    volume = {10},
    year = {2023},

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