Literature Database Entry


Konstantin Köhler, "Modeling Cyclist Behavior in SUMO based on the SimRa Dataset," Master's Thesis, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), TU Berlin (TUB), July 2021. (Advisors: Ahmet-Serdar Karakaya and Julian Heinovski; Referees: David Bermbach and Falko Dressler)


The proliferation of bicycle traffic is beneficial in many aspects. In addition to the positive effects on the health of cyclists, it reduces the volume of traffic and thus air pollution. How- ever, cyclists typically face a car-centric traffic infrastructure that discourages them from using their bikes more commonly. To investigate bicycle traffic in general, the SimRa project records bicycle ride trajectories of voluntary users. As of today, the research community lacks a cohesive bicycle simulation model that can be used to evaluate devised traffic infrastructure from a cyclist’s perspective. The study at hand critically assesses the fit of the SimRa data set for simulation purposes through the derivation of an actual simulation model. To obtain the most accurate insights into bicycle traffic, pre-processing approaches are de- rived to counteract the error-prone measurements of the data set. The data is then used for the derivations of kinematic insights into bicycle traffic and cyclists’ pathfinding behaviors at signaled intersections. It was found that both aspects deviate significantly from default simulation solutions. Thus, the simulation model derived comprises two components - the re-parameterization of an existing (and inadequately performing) bicycle model and the im- plementation of an external simulation model to simulate cyclist behaviour at intersections. Both components are evaluated by comparing their simulation results in real world traffic scenarios with findings from the SimRa data set. The new simulation model outperforms existing solutions. However, its general adequacy to produce realistic bicycle behavior cannot be guaranteed since the evaluation basis (the SimRa data set) was in parts recorded by a small set of highly active users that introduced biases into certain parts of the data. Therefore, objective evaluations were hampered. The fit of the SimRa data set for evaluation purposes is subject to critical analyses.

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Konstantin Köhler

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    author = {K{\"{o}}hler, Konstantin},
    title = {{Modeling Cyclist Behavior in SUMO based on the SimRa Dataset}},
    advisor = {Karakaya, Ahmet-Serdar and Heinovski, Julian},
    institution = {School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)},
    location = {Berlin, Germany},
    month = {7},
    referee = {Bermbach, David and Dressler, Falko},
    school = {TU Berlin (TUB)},
    type = {Master's Thesis},
    year = {2021},

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Last modified: 2024-07-27