Literature Database Entry
Martin Kappen, "A Software-based Prototype for Integration of LiFi in Heterogeneous Layer-2 Networks," Bachelor Thesis, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), TU Berlin (TUB), September 2022. (Advisor: Kai Lennert Bober; Referees: Falko Dressler and Volker Jungnickel)
LiFi is emerging as a wireless technology complementing traditional Radio-Frequency (RF) networks, as it is operating in the optical spectrum. Together, they form a mutu- ally beneficial heterogenous hybrid wireless network. Modern applications require increasingly higher Quality of Service (QoS), especially in (mobile) industrial fields. In this bachelor’s thesis, a software-based prototype was designed and implemented, which aims at integrating LiFi into existing (wireless) networks on the data link layer. It uses DPDK to operate the data plane and provides a high degree of flexibility, including fine-granular control of traffic stream forwarding in order to improve QoS. To achieve these goals, active link probing, traffic stream classification and selective redundant forwarding were implemented. The prototype was deployed and evaluated on a testbed featuring LiFi and WiFi as the wireless technologies. This work evaluates the system’s handover performance due to link blockage and mobility for different forwarding modes. The results show that the system achieves handover outage duration around 100 ms and redundant forwarding completely eliminates packet loss while also reducing jitter. The system can be modified, extended and further optimized compared to a hardware solution. It is a prototype for future switch implementations.
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Martin Kappen
BibTeX reference
author = {Kappen, Martin},
title = {{A Software-based Prototype for Integration of LiFi in Heterogeneous Layer-2 Networks}},
advisor = {Bober, Kai Lennert},
institution = {School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)},
location = {Berlin, Germany},
month = {9},
referee = {Dressler, Falko and Jungnickel, Volker},
school = {TU Berlin (TUB)},
type = {Bachelor Thesis},
year = {2022},
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