Literature Database Entry


Florian Hagenauer, "An Architecture for Connected Cars Providing Virtual Infrastructure and Services," PhD Thesis, Department of Computer Science, Paderborn University (UPB), June 2019. (Advisor: Falko Dressler; Referees: Falko Dressler and Marco Fiore)


Since multiple decades, smart cities are envisioned to provide benefits to their inhabitants, e.g., an improved quality of life, economic growth, and even a sustainable environment. These benefits are enabled by a wide range of building blocks, including Information and Communication Technologies as well as smart mobility concepts. Both of them can be provided by connected cars. Such vehicles with communication, processing, and storage resources are currently introduced into the market. In this Ph.D. thesis, we propose two ways in which connected cars are able to show their potential. First, by using them to provide efficiency and infotainment services for drivers and non-drivers alike. Second, by making these cars replace and complement communication infrastructure, i.e., by providing Virtual Infrastructure. A core idea is to group connected cars in proximity and form so-called Vehicular Clouds. Our contributions answer research questions regarding cloud access, service discovery and use, as well as resource utilization. In our first contribution, we investigate connected cars as an information hub for smart cities. We propose an architecture enabling the discovery and usage of services. The evaluation indicates that our presented approaches work well, even with a low penetration rate of equipped vehicles. Furthermore, we extend the concept to freeways by adding support for long-distance service discovery. The second contribution discusses how cars can be used to provide virtual networking infrastructure. We explore how vehicular clouds, formed along streets and in parking lots, enable long-lasting connections to passing cars. Finally, in our third contributions, we investigate clouds formed using moving cars and how they manage data. Beside algorithms used for forming these clouds at geographic locations, we outline two core data management services to offload storage from a data center and collect aggregated data. Throughout our investigation, we discuss multiple improvements for these services, reducing their resource usage and enhancing their performance. To summarize, the presented architectures show that resources from connected cars are well-suited to support users in discovering and utilizing services. Further, parked connected cars are, due to the resources they can provide, indeed an alternative to building new infrastructure.

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Florian Hagenauer

BibTeX reference

    author = {Hagenauer, Florian},
    doi = {10.17619/UNIPB/1-732},
    title = {{An Architecture for Connected Cars Providing Virtual Infrastructure and Services}},
    advisor = {Dressler, Falko},
    institution = {Department of Computer Science},
    location = {Paderborn, Germany},
    month = {6},
    referee = {Dressler, Falko and Fiore, Marco},
    school = {Paderborn University (UPB)},
    type = {PhD Thesis},
    year = {2019},

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