Literature Database Entry


Martin Fleischer, "Centralized Management of 802.11 Fixed Wireless Access Networks," Master's Thesis, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), TU Berlin (TUB), December 2020. (Advisor: Sebastian Bräuer; Referees: Anatolij Zubow and Thomas Sikora)


The evolution of broadband infrastructure is crucial to the Digital Transformation. Beyond 5G, innovation emerges from science and industry indicating that wireless infrastructure facilitates the fixed broadband expansion. This technological development is denoted as Fixed Wireless Access (FWA). Two recent FWA approaches, that rely on the IEEE 802.11 WLAN protocol, are examined in this thesis: mmWave Distribution Networks and Small Cell Access. The Deutsche Telekom has retained us to contribute to their Virtual Fiber conception. Europe’s largest telecommunications provider envisions a combination of both technologies to benefit from synergistic effects. However, the integration of these heterogeneous stacks has proven to be an ambitious endeavor. This thesis provides a proof of concept for the consolidation of Wi-Fi’s sub-6 and 60 GHz layers. For the realization of hybrid access, I present two proposals to resolve integration issues within dual-band capable mmWave Distribution Network. As a first step, I provide interoperability between mmWave devices and microwave cells through a unified Layer-3 mesh. As a second step, I introduce software-defined control functionality to overcome Wi-Fi’s intrinsic limitations preventing carrier-grade serviceability. Resulting improvement of QoS emphasize the assumption, that centralized small cell management is essential to the hybrid architecture. To evaluate our multi-band design in a virtualized environment, I have developed Terranet. In this Mininet based emulator, I compose realistic FWA scenarios that verify our approach. Eventually, my experiments provide evidence that a holistic network evaluation is required to analyse FWA networks and to identify cross-layer dependencies. As revealed by my examination, a heterogeneous network design involves an extraordinary layer of complexity. Nonetheless, the consolidation of multifarious technology might generate unforeseen synergies towards the “Gigabit Society”.

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Martin Fleischer

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    author = {Fleischer, Martin},
    title = {{Centralized Management of 802.11 Fixed Wireless Access Networks}},
    advisor = {Br{\"{a}}uer, Sebastian},
    institution = {School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)},
    location = {Berlin, Germany},
    month = {12},
    referee = {Zubow, Anatolij and Sikora, Thomas},
    school = {TU Berlin (TUB)},
    type = {Master's Thesis},
    year = {2020},

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