Literature Database Entry
Falko Dressler, "From Safety to Scale and Back: Converging Technologies in Vehicular Networks as a Game Changer," Invited Talk, Workshop on Vehicular Communication Technology Evolution towards 6G, Virtual Conference, December 17, 2021.
We will primarily discuss the challenges and opportunities of the connected cars vision in relation to the need for distributed data management solutions ranging from the vehicle to the mobile edge and to the data centers. Vehicular networking solutions have been investigated for more than a decade (IEEE VNC debuted in 2009) but recent standardization efforts just enable a broad use of this technology to build large scale Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Modern 5G networks promise to provide all means for communication in this domain, particularly when integrating Mobile Edge Computing (MEC). However, it turns out that despite the many advantages, it is unlikely that such services will be provided with sufficient coverage. Convergence in communication technologies plays an important role, now bringing together classical DSRC (IEEE 802.11p) and C-V2X (as defined in 5G-NR) with emerging technologies such as VLC and RADCOM. In addition, vehicle micro clouds have been proposed that bridge the gap between fully distributed vehicular networks and centralized cloud services. Using names such as vehicular fog, vehicular cloud, and others, cars begin to play a relevant role in next generation ICT systems in smart cities and beyond.
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author = {Dressler, Falko},
title = {{From Safety to Scale and Back: Converging Technologies in Vehicular Networks as a Game Changer}},
howpublished = {Invited Talk},
publisher = {Workshop on Vehicular Communication Technology Evolution towards 6G},
location = {Virtual Conference},
day = {17},
month = {12},
year = {2021},
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