Literature Database Entry
Nicolas Emanuel Burda, "Untersuchung der Eignung einer SDR/C-RAN-basierten Architektur für Wireless LAN," Bachelor Thesis, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), TU Berlin (TUB), March 2021. (Advisor: Anatolij Zubow; Referees: Falko Dressler and Thomas Sikora)
A major challenge of wireless network operators is to meet the unprecedented increase in wireless data traffic while keeping the costs low. The Cloud Radio Access Network (C-RAN) architecture, used primarily in fifth generation cellular networks, enables the required flexible and efficient transmission of wireless data. The goal of this thesis is to analyze the suitability of such an architecture for small- cell technologies like Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) based on the IEEE 802.11 standard. In contrast to cellular technologies like LTE WLAN has numerous peculiarities that complicate or rule out the the realization as C-RAN. Examples are the time-sensitive channel access in WLAN using Mehrfachzugriff mit Trägerprüfung und Kollisionsvermeidung (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance, CSMA/CA) which cannot be realized due to the high latencies induced from C- RAN and Software Defined Radio (SDR) platforms. Therefore only a subset of the functionality of 802.11 standard, mostly physical layer, can be fully supported by the C-RAN. The proposed C-RAN architecture was prototypically implemented and evaluated in a small testbed. The prototype, used to analyze the C-RAN architecture, consists of a transmitter and a receiver, each implementing one side of the transmission in MATLAB. The transmitter generates the waveforms and sends them over the SDRs, which are used by the receiver to record and decode the waveform. Here, the WLAN Toolbox is used to generate and decode the waveforms and a Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) Toolbox is used to communicate with the SDRs. The Parallel Computing Toolbox is used to simulate a Baseband Unit (BBU) pool. The results reveal that the efficiency can be increased by making use of parallel computation, e.g. waveform decoding, and pipelining of operations in the baseband radio pool.
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Nicolas Emanuel Burda
BibTeX reference
author = {Burda, Nicolas Emanuel},
title = {{Untersuchung der Eignung einer SDR/C-RAN-basierten Architektur f{\"{u}}r Wireless LAN}},
advisor = {Zubow, Anatolij},
institution = {School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)},
location = {Berlin, Germany},
month = {3},
referee = {Dressler, Falko and Sikora, Thomas},
school = {TU Berlin (TUB)},
type = {Bachelor Thesis},
year = {2021},
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