Literature Database Entry


Osman Tugay Basaran, Yekta Said Can, Elisabeth André and Cem Ersoy, "Relieving the Burden of Intensive Labeling for Stress Monitoring in the Wild by Using Semi-Supervised Learning," Frontiers in Psychology Journal - Emotion Science, vol. 14, December 2023.


Stress, a natural process affecting individuals' well-being, has a profound impact on overall quality of life. Researchers from diverse fields employ various technologies and methodologies to investigate it and alleviate the negative effects of this phenomenon. Wearable devices, such as smart bands, capture physiological data, including heart rate variability, motions, and electrodermal activity, enabling stress level monitoring through machine learning models. However, labeling data for model accuracy assessment poses a significant challenge in stress-related research due to incomplete or inaccurate labels provided by individuals in their daily lives. To address this labeling predicament, our study proposes implementing Semi-Supervised Learning (SSL) models. Through comparisons with deep learning-based supervised models and clusteringbased unsupervised models, we evaluate the performance of our SSL models. Our experiments show that our SSL models achieve 77% accuracy with a classifier trained on an augmented dataset prepared using the label propagation (LP) algorithm. Additionally, our deep autoencoder network achieves 76% accuracy. These results highlight the superiority of SSL models over unsupervised learning techniques and their comparable performance to supervised learning models, even with limited labeled data. By relieving the burden of labeling in daily life stress recognition, our study advances stress-related research, recognizing stress as a natural process rather than a disease. This facilitates the development of more efficient and accurate stress monitoring methods in the wild.

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Osman Tugay Basaran
Yekta Said Can
Elisabeth André
Cem Ersoy

BibTeX reference

    author = {Basaran, Osman Tugay and Can, Yekta Said and Andr{\'{e}}, Elisabeth and Ersoy, Cem},
    doi = {10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1293513},
    title = {{Relieving the Burden of Intensive Labeling for Stress Monitoring in the Wild by Using Semi-Supervised Learning}},
    journal = {Frontiers in Psychology Journal - Emotion Science},
    issn = {1664-1078},
    publisher = {Frontiers},
    month = {12},
    volume = {14},
    year = {2023},

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