Literature Database Entry


Ozgur B. Akan and Falko Dressler, "Biologically-inspired and Nano-scale Communication and Networking," Tutorial, IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2010), Miami, FL, December 12, 2010.


The developments in communication technologies have yielded many existing and envisioned information network architectures such as cognitive radio networks, sensor and actor networks, quantum communication networks, terrestrial next generation Internet, and InterPlaNetary Internet. However, there exist many common significant challenges to be addressed for the practical realization of these current and envisioned networking paradigms such as the increased complexity with large scale networks, their dynamic nature, resource constraints, heterogeneous architectures, absence or impracticality of centralized control and infrastructure, need for survivability, and unattended resolution of potential failures. These challenges have been successfully dealt with by Nature, which, as a result of millions of years of evolution, have yielded many biological systems and processes with intrinsic appealing characteristics such as adaptivity to varying environmental conditions, inherent resiliency to failures and damages, successful and collaborative operation on the basis of a limited set of rules and with global intelligence which is larger than superposition of individuals, self-organization, survivability, and evolvability. Inspired by these characteristics, many researchers are currently engaged in developing innovative design paradigms to address the networking challenges of existing and envisioned information systems. In this tutorial, the current state-of-the-art in bio-inspired networking is captured. The existing bio-inspired networking and communication protocols and algorithms devised by looking at biology as a source of inspiration, and by mimicking the laws and dynamics governing these systems is presented along with open research issues for the bio-inspired networking. Furthermore, the domain of bio-inspired networking is linked to the forthcoming research domain of nanonetworks, which bring a set of unique challenges. The objective of this tutorial is to provide better understanding of the potentials for bio-inspired and nano-scale networking, and to motivate research community to further explore this timely and exciting field.

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Ozgur B. Akan
Falko Dressler

BibTeX reference

    author = {Akan, Ozgur B. and Dressler, Falko},
    title = {{Biologically-inspired and Nano-scale Communication and Networking}},
    howpublished = {Tutorial},
    publisher = {IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2010)},
    location = {Miami, FL},
    day = {12},
    month = {12},
    year = {2010},

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