Networked Embedded Systems [NES]

0432 L 314, Winter 2020/2021
The objective of this course is gain insights into the operation and programming of embedded systems. A strong focus is on wireless sensor networks. We study the fundamentals of such sensor networks. In the scope of the exercises, we discuss selected topics in more detail.
- Design and architecture of embedded systems
Architecture of embedded systems, programming paradigms - Sensor networks
Principles and applications - Wireless communications
Concepts of modulation and encoding on the physical layer - Wireless access
Typical medium access protocols for low-power sensor nodes - Routing
Ad hoc routing and data centric communication - Clustering
Clustering algorithms, guaranteed connectivity - Localization
Ranging techniques, localization algorithms
Learning Outcome
The learning objective is to unserstand the fundamental concepts of networded embedded systems. Students understand these concepts and are able to apply this knowledge.
General Information / Methods
This master course will be held in English and all the course material is available in English.
This course consists of lectures and labs. The lecture gives an overview and background information on the topics of networked embedded systems. During the labs, this knowledge will be applied in hands-on simulative performance studies. All simulation code will be written in MATLAB and C++ and executed on Linux systems.
For more information, slides, and required submissions, please see our ISIS page.
- Lecture: Falko Dressler
- Exercises: Gurjashan Singh Pannu, Muhammad Sohaib Amjad
Thursday, 12-14 (c.t.), online -
Thursday, 14-16 (c.t.), online
Oral examination (by appointment)
Successful completion of labs and homework required.
Falko Dressler, Self-Organization in Sensor and Actor Networks, Chichester, United Kingdom, Wiley, 2007. [DOI, BibTeX, More details]
Holger Karl and Andreas Willig, Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks, Chichester, United Kingdom, Wiley, 2005. [DOI, BibTeX, More details]
- Jochen Schiller, Mobile Communications, ed. 2, Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc., 2003. [BibTeX, More details]