Literature Database Entry


Jorge Torres Gómez, Antonio Rodríguez-Hidalgo, Carmen Peláez-Moreno and Yannelys Jerez Naranjo, "Towards the use of liberal arts to reinforce key notions in undergraduate engineering curricula," Proceedings of 12do Congreso Internacional de Educación Superior (Universidad 2020), Havana, Cuba, February 2020.


In general, curriculum design for undergraduate students in engineering covers complex topics of specific disciplines typically related to mathematics and physics, where they learn the basics of theory and practice. In this direction, various skills concerning analyzing and implementing analytic formulations are typically conducted in classrooms to assess the specifics of engineering branches. However, further improvement in teaching effectiveness may be gained through a multisensorial approach using liberal arts methodologies. Through the development of art and literacy skills in curriculum design, the fundamentals of engineering may be reached from a qualitative perspective in contrast with the analytic-only standpoint from standard curriculum designs. Based on previous scientific evidence, we postulate that this increases the internalization and comprehension of pregnant concepts. This paper surveys reported ideas to develop the engineering teaching process, including arts and literacy perspectives. In addition, a sample of exercises is proposed and discussed for the application of these ideas to a particular subject, multimedia coding theory, as part of the curriculum of Telecommunications Engineering undergraduate students at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

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Jorge Torres Gómez
Antonio Rodríguez-Hidalgo
Carmen Peláez-Moreno
Yannelys Jerez Naranjo

BibTeX reference

    author = {Torres G{\'{o}}mez, Jorge and Rodr{\'{i}}guez-Hidalgo, Antonio and Pel{\'{a}}ez-Moreno, Carmen and Jerez Naranjo, Yannelys},
    title = {{Towards the use of liberal arts to reinforce key notions in undergraduate engineering curricula}},
    publisher = {Congreso Universidad},
    issn = {2306-918X},
    address = {Havana, Cuba},
    booktitle = {12do Congreso Internacional de Educaci{\'{o}}n Superior (Universidad 2020)},
    month = {2},
    year = {2020},

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