Literature Database Entry


Christoph Sommer, "Car-to-X Communication in Heterogeneous Environments," PhD Thesis, Department of Computer Science, Friedrich–Alexander University of Erlangen–Nuremberg (FAU), June 2011. (Advisor: Falko Dressler; Referees: Falko Dressler and Ozan K. Tonguz)


The challenge of designing and evaluating an integral wireless communication system that affords the exchange of data between cars and with infrastructure is commonly answered only in part. Car-to-X communication systems are generally treated as operating either only in freeway scenarios or only in urban scenarios, operating either in a completely infrastructure-less or an infrastructure-dependent fashion. It can be argued, however, that in the highly heterogeneous environments of real-life deployments such distinctions cannot be made. In the first part of this work, we demonstrate how to take simulative performance evaluation of Car-to-X communication systems one step beyond current approaches: we present our successful Open Source framework Veins for the co-simulation of communication networks and road traffic. It allows simulating complex heterogeneous scenarios with a high degree of realism and allows for road traffic to be influenced by network communication – a prerequisite for the evaluation of Traffic Information System (TIS) designs. Veins relies on a coupling of state-of-the-art simulators from both domains to incorporate validated models for road traffic microsimulation and network simulation, and extends them for the simulative performance evaluation of Car-to-X communication systems. In a second part of this work, we present our Adaptive Traffic Beacon (ATB) protocol, an evolved beaconing approach to Car-to-X communication for operation in truly heterogeneous environments. We base its design on lessons learned from evaluating common approaches to Inter-Vehicle Communication (IVC), identifying adaptivity as the key property such approaches were lacking. ATB realizes a self-organizing TIS also able to make use of optionally available Roadside Unit (RSU) deployments or a Traffic Information Center (TIC). ATB continuously adapts to sensed network conditions by adjusting the interval between two beacons to utilize all unused capacity of the wireless channel, but never more. We demonstrate that, this way, for high-priority access to the medium and co-existant other protocols and systems, the channel appears virtually unloaded at all times. We conclude this work with an evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of ATB when compared with state-of-the-art hybrid multi-hop flooding and disruption tolerant networking.

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Christoph Sommer

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    author = {Sommer, Christoph},
    title = {{Car-to-X Communication in Heterogeneous Environments}},
    advisor = {Dressler, Falko},
    institution = {Department of Computer Science},
    location = {Erlangen, Germany},
    month = {6},
    referee = {Dressler, Falko and Tonguz, Ozan K.},
    school = {Friedrich--Alexander University of Erlangen--Nuremberg (FAU)},
    type = {PhD Thesis},
    year = {2011},

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