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Corrado Priami, Falko Dressler, Ozgur B. Akan and Alioune Ngom (Eds.), Springer Transactions on Computational Systems Biology X, Biological and Biologically-inspired Communication, vol. LNBI 5410, Springer, 2008.


Technology is taking us to a world where myriads of heavily networked devices interact with the physical world in multiple ways, and at multiple scales, from the global Internet down to micro and nano devices. Many of these devices are highly mobile and autonomous, and must adapt to the surrounding environment in a totally unsupervised way. A fundamental research challenge is the design of robust decentralized computing systems that are capable of operating under changing environments and noisy input, and yet exhibit the desired behavior and response time, under constraints such as energy consumption, size, and processing power. These systems should be able to adapt and learn how to react to unforeseen scenarios as well as to display properties comparable to social entities. The turn to nature has brought us many unforeseen great concepts. Biological systems are able to handle many of these challenges with an elegance and efficiency still far beyond current human artifacts. Based on this observation, bio-inspired approaches have been proposed in the past years as a strategy to handle the complexity of such systems. The goal is to obtain methods on how to engineer technical systems, which have similar high stability and efficiency often found in biological entities. This Special Issue on Biological and Biologically-inspired Communication is devoted to the best papers from the 2nd International Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems (BIONETICS 2007). This conference aims at bringing together researchers and scientists from several disciplines in computer science and engineering where bio-inspired methods are investigated as well as from bioinformatics to deepen the information exchange and collaboration among the different communities. We selected eight outstanding papers from both domains and invited the authors to prepare extended versions of their manuscript. The first three papers by Forestiero et al., Meyer et al., and Dubrova et al. describe the applicability of bio-inspired techniques in the technical domain of computing and communication. Atakan and Akan and Nakano et al. focus on molecular communication and the properties of such communication channels. In the domain of bioinformatics, the papers by Rueda et al. and Smith and Wiese demonstrate techniques for the analysis of genes. Finally, we want to highlight the paper from Wang et al. in which a bio-inspired approach is applied in the field of bioinformatics. This approach specifically complements our special issue on bio-inspired solutions and bioinformatics.

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    editor = {Priami, Corrado and Dressler, Falko and Akan, Ozgur B. and Ngom, Alioune},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-92273-5},
    title = {{Springer Transactions on Computational Systems Biology X, Biological and Biologically-inspired Communication}},
    publisher = {Springer},
    volume = {LNBI 5410},
    year = {2008},

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