Literature Database Entry


Filip Lemic, Gerard Calvo Bartra, Arnau Brosa López, Jorge Torres Gómez, Jakob Struye, Falko Dressler, Sergi Abadal and Xavier Costa-Pérez, "Insights from the Design Space Exploration of Flow-Guided Nanoscale Localization," arXiv, cs.NI, 2305.18493, May 2023.


Nanodevices with Terahertz (THz)-based wireless communication capabilities are providing a primer for flow-guided localization within the human bloodstreams. Such localization is allowing for assigning the locations of sensed events with the events themselves, providing benefits in precision medicine along the lines of early and precise diagnostics, and reduced costs and invasiveness. Flow-guided localization is still in a rudimentary phase, with only a handful of works targeting the problem. Nonetheless, the performance assessments of the proposed solutions are already carried out in a non-standardized way, usually along a single performance metric, and ignoring various aspects that are relevant at such a scale (e.g., nanodevices' limited energy) and for such a challenging environment (e.g., extreme attenuation of in-body THz propagation). As such, these assessments feature low levels of realism and cannot be compared in an objective way. Toward addressing this issue, we account for the environmental and scale-related peculiarities of the scenario and assess the performance of two state-of-the-art flow-guided localization approaches along a set of heterogeneous performance metrics such as the accuracy and reliability of localization.

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Filip Lemic
Gerard Calvo Bartra
Arnau Brosa López
Jorge Torres Gómez
Jakob Struye
Falko Dressler
Sergi Abadal
Xavier Costa-Pérez

BibTeX reference

    author = {Lemic, Filip and Bartra, Gerard Calvo and L{\'{o}}pez, Arnau Brosa and Torres G{\'{o}}mez, Jorge and Struye, Jakob and Dressler, Falko and Abadal, Sergi and Costa-P{\'{e}}rez, Xavier},
    doi = {10.48550/arXiv.2305.18493},
    title = {{Insights from the Design Space Exploration of Flow-Guided Nanoscale Localization}},
    institution = {arXiv},
    month = {5},
    number = {2305.18493},
    type = {cs.NI},
    year = {2023},

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