Literature Database Entry


Falko Dressler, Abdalkarim Awad, Sebastian Dengler and Reinhard German, "Integrated RFID and Sensor Networks for Smart Homes," in RFID and Sensor Networks: Architectures, Protocols, Security and Integrations, Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications, Yan Zhang, Laurence T. Yang and Jiming Chen (Eds.), CRC Press, 2010, pp. 537–558.


The quick evolution of technology has enabled us to bring many things to reality in short periods of time. Thus, the vision of smart homes will become more feasible in the near future. Technologies such as wireless senor networks (WSNs) and radio frequency identification (RFID) have attractive characteristics that make them great candidates to be engaged in this environment that can greatly benefit from each other. Smart Home, this term comprises various approaches, engaged in living and working now and in the future. The objectives of the various approaches range from enhancing comfort in daily life to enabling a more independent life for elderly and handicapped people. The term Ubiquitous Computing, coined by Mark Weiser in his essay The Computer for the 21st Century, describes the ubiquity of computer and information technology. The task of Smart Objects, implanted into everyday items, is to sense the immediate environment using various types of sensors, and to process these information. This functionality assigns a kind of artificial intelligence to common, well known objects and enables comprehensive information-processing and interconnection of almost any kind of everyday object. The (preferably) transparent and hidden technology ranges from Wearable Computers and Smart Clothes to 'intelligent' artificial replacements. It supports the user in almost every part of his life by extending his cognition and information processing capacity and tries to compensate for certain handicaps. The challenge regarding smart homes, especially for supporting the elderly and handicapped, is to compensate for handicaps and support the individual in order to give them a more independent life for as long as possible. In this paper, a common architecture for smart home environments is developed, mapped to an experimental setup, and finally evaluated. This architecture primarily consists of a sensor network that is functionally enhanced by mobile robots and passive RFID tags, which in turn complement the functionality of the sensor network.

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Falko Dressler
Abdalkarim Awad
Sebastian Dengler
Reinhard German

BibTeX reference

    author = {Dressler, Falko and Awad, Abdalkarim and Dengler, Sebastian and German, Reinhard},
    title = {{Integrated RFID and Sensor Networks for Smart Homes}},
    pages = {537--558},
    booktitle = {RFID and Sensor Networks: Architectures, Protocols, Security and Integrations},
    editor = {Zhang, Yan and Yang, Laurence T. and Chen, Jiming},
    address = {Boca Raton, FL},
    isbn = {978-1-4200-7777-3},
    publisher = {CRC Press},
    series = {Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications},
    year = {2010},

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