Literature Database Entry


Emirali Caferzade, "Modeling and Simulating Chemotaxis Bacteria Networks with Drift in MATLAB," Master's Thesis, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), TU Berlin (TUB), September 2023. (Advisor: Jorge Torres Gómez; Referees: Falko Dressler and Thomas Sikora)


Targeted drug delivery can improve patient comfort greatly by increasing the effectiveness of the drug and reducing it’s side-effects on healty cells. Chemotaxis bacteria have the potential to be used as a vehicle for targeted drug delivery, as they can be engineered to carry and deliver drugs to specific locations in the body. In order to achieve that, modeling and simulating chemotaxis bacteria network formation in blood vessels is essential. Considering the drift caused by the blood flow in the blood vessel is a crucial step towards a more realistic model of chemotaxis bacteria network formation and will contribute to the solution of the targeted drug delivery problem. So far, there are no mathematical models or simulations addressing the chemotaxis bacteria network formation in the presence of the drift in the human capillaries. This thesis will address that. Wei et al. proposed a stochastic model based on the Gillespie’s algorithm for capturing the bacteria population dynamics around a chemical target taking advantage of the chemotaxis. Burggraf expanded this model by adding the ability to simulate the movement of the target and created the simulation in MATLAB. We built our model on the work of Burggraf and extended it with the drift factor. This way both the target and the bacteria are subject to drift. After taking the drift factor into consideration, we investigate the bacteria nanonetwork formation around the target. Our model is based on various real-life parameters. With the parameter values that we have used, we observed that the bacteria came closer to the target yet were not able to form a stable network around it.

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Emirali Caferzade

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    author = {Caferzade, Emirali},
    title = {{Modeling and Simulating Chemotaxis Bacteria Networks with Drift in MATLAB}},
    advisor = {Torres G{\'{o}}mez, Jorge},
    institution = {School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)},
    location = {Berlin, Germany},
    month = {9},
    referee = {Dressler, Falko and Sikora, Thomas},
    school = {TU Berlin (TUB)},
    type = {Master's Thesis},
    year = {2023},

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Last modified: 2024-10-14