Personal website of
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Falko Dressler
Veins - Vehicles in Network Simulation

- Computer Networks and Communication Systems, University of Erlangen
- Dr. Falko Dressler (coordination)
- Christoph Sommer
- David Eckhoff
- internal project
- supported by BMBF Project SIM-TD
- supported by BMBF Project CoCar
- supported by Audi AG
Project Time
- 01.06.2007 - 31.12.2009
Realistic simulation of Inter-Vehicle Communication (IVC) protocols is one of the main challenges in the Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) research domain. In the scope of this project, we investigate the need for bidirectional coupling of network and road traffic simulation for more realistic simulation experiments. Incident detection, e.g. traffic jam and accident detection, for optimized route planning, as well as future safety applications, e.g. enhanced lane and distance control, are the dominant drivers for the development of adequate IVC protocols.
We developed a special simulation framework that provides coupled network and road traffic simulation using well-established simulators from both communities. In particular, we employ OMNeT++, a simulation environment free for academic use, to model realistic communication patterns of VANET nodes. Traffic simulation is performed by the microscopic road traffic simulation package SUMO.
Both domains' models are bi-directionally coupled and simulations performed on-line. This way, not only the influence of road traffic on network traffic can be modeled, but also vice versa. In particular, the influences of IVC on road traffic can be modeled and complex interactions between both domains examined.
Simulation Software Veins
More information about the simulation package Veins, which uses OMNeT++ for discrete-event network simulation and SUMO for the mobility modeling, can be found here.
Selected Publications
Falko Dressler, Christoph Sommer, David Eckhoff and Ozan K. Tonguz, "Towards Realistic Simulation of Inter-Vehicle Communication: Models, Techniques and Pitfalls," IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, vol. 6 (3), pp. 43–51, September 2011. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF, More details]
Christoph Sommer, Reinhard German and Falko Dressler, "Bidirectionally Coupled Network and Road Traffic Simulation for Improved IVC Analysis," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 10 (1), pp. 3–15, January 2011. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF, More details]
Christoph Sommer, David Eckhoff, Reinhard German and Falko Dressler, "A Computationally Inexpensive Empirical Model of IEEE 802.11p Radio Shadowing in Urban Environments," Proceedings of 8th IEEE/IFIP Conference on Wireless On demand Network Systems and Services (WONS 2011), Bardonecchia, Italy, January 2011, pp. 84–90. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF, More details]
Christoph Sommer, Armin Schmidt, Yi Chen, Reinhard German, Wolfgang Koch and Falko Dressler, "On the Feasibility of UMTS-based Traffic Information Systems," Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, Special Issue on Vehicular Networks, vol. 8 (5), pp. 506–517, July 2010. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF, More details]
Falko Dressler and Christoph Sommer, "On the Impact of Human Driver Behavior on Intelligent Transportation Systems," Proceedings of 71st IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2010-Spring), Taipei, Taiwan, May 2010, pp. 1–5. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF, More details]
Christoph Sommer, Robert Krul, Reinhard German and Falko Dressler, "Emissions vs. Travel Time: Simulative Evaluation of the Environmental Impact of ITS," Proceedings of 71st IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2010-Spring), Taipei, Taiwan, May 2010. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF, More details]
- Christoph Sommer, Armin Schmidt, Reinhard German, Wolfgang Koch and Falko Dressler, "Simulative Evaluation of a UMTS-based Car-to-Infrastructure Traffic Information System," Proceedings of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2008), 3rd IEEE Workshop on Automotive Networking and Applications (AutoNet 2008), New Orleans, LA, November 2008. [BibTeX, PDF, More details]
Christoph Sommer and Falko Dressler, "Progressing Toward Realistic Mobility Models in VANET Simulations," IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 46 (11), pp. 132–137, November 2008. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF, More details]
Falko Dressler, Tobias Gansen, Christoph Sommer and Lars Wischhof, "Requirements and Objectives for Secure Traffic Information Systems," Proceedings of 5th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS 2008), 4th IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Sensor Networks Security (WSNS 2008), Atlanta, GA, September 2008, pp. 808–814. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF, More details]
Christoph Sommer, Zheng Yao, Reinhard German and Falko Dressler, "On the Need for Bidirectional Coupling of Road Traffic Microsimulation and Network Simulation," Proceedings of 9th ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc 2008), 1st ACM International Workshop on Mobility Models for Networking Research (MobilityModels 2008), Hong Kong, China, May 2008, pp. 41–48. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF, More details]
Christoph Sommer, Isabel Dietrich, Falko Dressler, Winfried Dulz and Reinhard German, "A Tool Chain for UML-based Modeling and Simulation of VANET Scenarios with Realistic Mobility Models," Proceedings of 9th ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc 2008), Demo Session, Hong Kong, China, May 2008. [BibTeX, PDF, More details]
Christoph Sommer, Zheng Yao, Reinhard German and Falko Dressler, "Simulating the Influence of IVC on Road Traffic using Bidirectionally Coupled Simulators," Proceedings of 27th IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2008), IEEE Workshop on Mobile Networking for Vehicular Environments (MOVE 2008), Phoenix, AZ, April 2008, pp. 1–6. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF, More details]
Christoph Sommer, Isabel Dietrich and Falko Dressler, "Realistic Simulation of Network Protocols in VANET Scenarios," Proceedings of 26th IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2007), IEEE Workshop on Mobile Networking for Vehicular Environments (MOVE 2007), Poster Session, Anchorage, AK, May 2007, pp. 139–143. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF, More details]